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BSPF signs agreement to clear confusion over 'drought ban'
BSPF signs agreement to clear confusion over 'drought ban'
The BSPF has signed a joint agreement with the UK’s seven water companies which safeguards the industry over any confusion over the current 'drought ban'.

The agreement states pool companies can now perform reconstruction and refurbishment on pools that need it to be done to prevent damage or fix an already damaged pool and then fill them up with a hosepipe, cosmetic renovation to change the appearance of a pool is not considered a valid reason to do work on a client’s pool. Hot Tubs are still out of scope; owners can top up or fill a hot tub with a hosepipe even if they are situated in an area affected by the Temporary Use Ban (TUB).

The BSPF had been in long discussions with the water companies participating in the TUB. The BSPF have concerns that SPATA members might be at risk of encountering serious business issues or even risk losing their business with the current restrictions regarding swimming pools during the hosepipe ban and the confusion of separate rules from the water companies.

The original legislation said it was permitted to fill up a newly constructed swimming pool with a hosepipe and top-up an existing swimming pool with a hand held device such as a bucket. It was also allowed to fill and top-up swimming pools with a hosepipe if they are used during a course of medical treatment or a pool used for the welfare of animals or marine life. But some water companies were informing people that hot tubs were not allowed to be topped up with a hosepipe during the TUB which was incorrect, and some companies were saying that it was OK for swimming pool companies to carry on using the hosepipe as to not affect their business. The different messages were causing masses of confusion in the wet leisure industry.

The BSPF proposed a joint statement to be signed by all seven of the water companies included in the TUB and the statement would be written on what members of SPATA (Swimming Pool and Allied Trade Association) and BISHTA (British and Irish Spa and Hot Tub Association) have been confused about, and also proposed exemptions to not harm their business in the course of the TUB. This statement which was circulated and talked about for weeks was finally agreed.

For more information visit www.bspf.org.uk

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