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Olympic ‘bounce’ brings kids flocking to pools
Olympic 'bounce' brings kids flocking to pools
Local authority and other commercial swimming pools have reported a surge of people through their doors as Britain was inspired by the Olympic Games.

Many have reported record attendances and pools in Birmingham, Norwich, Derby and Sheffield reported the indoor pools were at ‘bursting point’.

The council-run Glasgow Club, which operates 24 facilities across the city signed up 2,700 new members. In July attendances during the first 10 days of the Olympics rose by more than 20%.

Archie Graham, Chairman of Glasgow Life, said: "As London 2012 ends, the record-breaking attendances shows people's readiness to get involved in sport and become part of the vitally important sporting legacy that runs alongside these world-class events. It's definitely the Olympic bounce effect and we're getting junior swimmers coming forward."

In Manchester, Swimming Development Officer Caroline Hannay said: "In the past fortnight, we have seen a huge rise in emails from people asking about coming along to swim competitively. It's mostly kids aged nine to 12, but we have had adult interest as well. People are keen to give swimming a go and the difference is they have been inspired and want to swim and to join clubs."

Anna Mortlake, Swimming Development Officer for Edinburgh Leisure pools said: "We have been inundated with inquiries for new classes and just can't cope. There is always a bounce effect but this is something different and off the scale as far as we are concerned. Anything that boosts people's interest in the benefits, of an active life and swimming is to be encouraged. If there is an Olympic halo effect that is a good thing."

Local authority pools have said they have been hit by a real surge of interest from younger people.

In Cheltenham one pool had three days when its pool loads reached record levels.

Said a pool spokesman: "We’ve not seen anything like this for a while. It's great for us. We must work hard to make sure it isn't just a few days wonder but we organise ourselves not just to take a commercial advantage of this. It shows how important it is to provide formal swimming classes which might lead to competitive swimming. This is where local swimming clubs come into their own."

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