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Fairlocks Pool Products
Jacuzzi UK help Heston with "World’s largest cup of tea" experiment
Leading hot tub company Jacuzzi UK are proud to announce that they were featured in an episode of Channel 4’s Heston’s Fantastical Food along with approved Jacuzzi® Hot Tub Dealer Euphoria Lifestyle.

Heston’s Fantastical Food is a new series which brings back the wonder of childhood food memories and much loved food traditions on a monumental scale - set to awaken the child in every viewer. Heston Blumenthal combines his scientific expertise and culinary genius to re-create some fantastical treats in order to help remind everyone how magical food can be.

Along the way, Heston breaks a few food records. He brings back the magic of the ice cream van with the world's largest 99 Flake and celebrates the iconic tea break with gigantic biscuits and the world's biggest pyramid tea bag, served in a suitably enormous teacup, which is where the company stepped in!

Jacuzzi UK were really excited when they were approached by the producers of the show to see if they could provide a circular hot tub to create the "World’s largest cup of tea" in which Heston could conduct a “dunking” experiment. Intrigued at the opportunity, the company were happy to get involved in something completely different and were able to offer their circular J210 hot tub courtesy of Euphoria Lifestyle who already had a working model on display in their showroom at Woodcote Green Garden Centre.

Camera crews descended upon the showroom for a day of filming and experimenting at Euphoria Lifestyle.

Mike Robinson, Managing Director of Euphoria Lifestyle (Pictured far right with Heston and Martyn Winstone - National Sales Manager) said: "We had a fantastic day with Heston and his team filming this rather crazy yet somehow still very scientific experiment of turning one of our Jacuzzi hot tubs into a giant cup of tea and dunking giant chocolate biscuits (1/2 metre diameter) into the concoction! It took 160 tea bags and 4 litres of milk to achieve the desired effect, a few large dashes of "Jacuzzi No Foam" and we had to perform two complete water changes afterwards! I think we can safely say that's was a World's first using a Jacuzzi hot tub in this way!"

The programme (Episode 3) aired on Tuesday 20th November and if you missed the show you can view it here until 26th December 2012.

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