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Fairlocks Pool Products
Making A Splash With New Swimming Pool Safety Device
To celebrate 40 years of lifesaving innovation, Balcan Engineering has launched a specialist throwline for use in swimming pools and leisure centres.

Developed with ease of deployment, usability and effective life saving in mind, the BELL 25 is the perfect rescue device, providing a reliable and efficient way to assist those in danger.

On first glance the BELL 25 resembles a yellow coloured grenade, but once the cap is taken off and the grip of the enclosed throw line is removed, it becomes a highly effective life saving throwline.

Deploying the BELL is easy - simply hold onto the grip and throw. As the BELL 25 flies through the air, 25 metres of high strength polypropylene line is released, all the stranded person has to do is grab and hold on to the rope or capsule, as the thrower then pulls in the line, which is strong enough to support 260lb (118Kg) – the equivalent of two people.

The BELL 25 is the latest product to be added to the BELL range by Balcan Engineering, which introduced the first BELL 40 years ago. Since then, the BELL has been regularly used by police forces across the country, HM Armed Forces, British Rowing and mountain rescue teams and, after independent trials by the Royal Navy, was allocated a NATO stock number (NSN) meaning it can be used by Armed Forces across the world.

"With nearly one million people across the UK visiting public swimming pools every day, ensuring their safety and wellbeing in the water is vital," said John Rinfret, chairman of Balcan and inventor of the BELL.

"Although providing safety equipment is a legal requirement in all swimming pools and leisure centres, the chosen devices are often not the most effective choice for use in a rescue situation.

"Lifebuoys are cumbersome - weighing up to 9 lbs, and, if you’re not really strong, cannot be thrown any great distance. Throw bags are also commonplace but again, aren’t the easiest of things to use. The BELL is light, portable, and can be thrown more accurately over long distances. By introducing the 25 metre BELL, we hope to change the face of lifesaving, offering the most effective method to assist someone in danger."

"I feel that the BELL is a revolutionary life saving device, which has helped to save numerous lives over the last 40 years. The new BELL 25 is light, portable, easy to throw and more accurate than other safety equipment," added John.

As well as the BELL 25, the range also features the BELL Pro and the BELL RP.

For further information visit www.throwlines.com or call Balcan on 01507 528 500.

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