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JUNE 2024
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AstralPool UK


Piscine Global 2024

Wet Leisure Golf Open

Desjoyaux Swimming Pools


Ocea UK


To download a PDF copy of the 2024 SPN (Swimming Pool News) media pack, click here. For forward features information, click here.

To discuss advertising within SPN (Swimming Pool News), please call Tony Weston on +44 (0)1474 813433 or to email him, click here.

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Fairlocks Pool Products
Poisons And Chemicals – Consultations Underway
The sale of certain chemicals and poisons has always been regulated to ensure such products are available to those with a legitimate need while preventing the risk of misuse either inadvertently or by criminal design.

On Thursday 21 November, the Home Office opened two consultations to seek views on proposed amendments to the current set of regulations which control sales of non-medicinal poisons and a new EU regulation on the marketing and use of explosives precursor chemicals. The regulations aim to prevent would-be terrorists or criminals from buying chemicals they can then use to harm the public, while reducing burdens on businesses and legitimate users.

The range of poisons and chemicals on which the consultations are based can be found in a range of every day products, such as model paint, swimming pool cleaner, fireworks, model engine fuel and hair treatment.

The consultation therefore seeks views from those who may use these substances in the home or for hobbies and businesses that produce them, use them for professional activities, or sell them.

The consultation closes on 6 January 2014. Click here to take part.

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