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Fairlocks Pool Products
London Joins List Of Cities Looking To Build Swimming Pools In Their Rivers
When it comes to creative urbanism, big cities around the world have a tendency to copy one another. For example, bike sharing and riverside beaches were good ideas that started in one location before being widely adopted.

So what's the latest trend? Well it be could be setting swimming pools in rivers. New York has a project called +Pool, which has raised more than $300,000 in crowd-funding, and looks set for a 2016 launch. Not wanting to be left out, a consortium called the Thames Baths Project has proposed plans for London to have a freshwater pool set into the meandering old waterway.

According to the Thames Baths website, the project 'proposes the reintroduction of swimming in the River Thames. The proposals look to re-establish an intimate and playful link between Londoners and this historic lifeblood of the city'.

The proposals are focussed on London's Victoria Embankment but could occur anywhere along the RIver Thames. The design features floating pontoons with space for three pools (one large, one medium, one paddling).

Initially, the concept was to use water for the pools from the Thames, but due to concerns about water quality, plans have been revised and freshwater will be pumped in.

For more information on the Thames Baths Project visit www.thamesbaths.com

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