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Busy ISPE Seminar Recognises Contributions To The Industry
Attracting over 50 delegates, ISPE’s 116th ISPE One-Day seminar, which incorporated the Institute’s Awards, has been hailed as a great success with it featuring the highest attendance at an ISPE Seminar since November 2008.

Held near Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, ISPE Vice President Colin Day, FISPE, (who was standing in for ISPE President John Cheek) was the host for the busy and educational day which also recognised and celebrated a number of valuable contributions to the pool industry.

The morning’s sessions looked at various aspects of water treatment and water problems and there were seven short, fifteen-minute presentations. Mike Causer, MISPE, from Dryden Aqua, covered Phosphates and later Cyanuric Acid and Jimmy Lamb, TnISPE(Cert.) from Pollet Pool Group, talked about Flocculation and gave a second presentation in three parts looking at Salt Generation, Activated Oxygen and Chlorine Dioxide. Dr Ian Hague from Suez Water UK looked at UV Systems in pool water whilst Colin Day, introducing himself from Lovibond Tintometer, looked at High Sulphates and Turbidity Tests.

Following lunch, delegates had a good chance to network, meet other ISPE members and their colleagues, chat with the speakers and swap experiences. This was followed by a short Annual General Meeting covering the official business of the company and then the 2017 ISPE Awards.

At the start of the presentations, Colin Day explained that only seven of the nineteen successful students who passed their ISPE exams in March were present, and they were each given their ISPE Technician certificate, together with an ISPE lapel badge.

Colin then introduced three special guests (pictured left to right above): Peter Adlington, MISPE, from Plastipack Ltd, Edward Campbell-Salmon, MISPE, from Plastica Ltd and Patrick Thorpe, MISPE (now retired, but formerly from Certikin International) and said that the original plan had been to ask each of the guests to present one each of the three awards to the trophy winners during the afternoon.

Unfortunately though, one of the winners was unable to be present so Edward was asked to present the Gartside Cup to the 2017 Student of the Year, for the highest overall marks in the 2017 ISPE Exams, and the winner was Mark Daniels (pictured right) from Home Counties (Horsham).

Colin explained that Patrick would have been presenting the Jim Johnson Filtration Award, but this award would be now be presented at a later date. He then asked Peter Adlington to present the Peter Horne Memorial Cup, donated by Asher Pools, to the person who achieved the highest result in their Chemicals exam. This winner was announced as Alistair Allen (pictured below) from Poolcare Services in Cheshire.

Colin then moved onto ISPE Fellowships which he said were within the gift of the Council and were presented to selected ISPE Members for an outstanding contribution to the swimming pool industry, but to the Institute in particular. Colin said there were three Fellowships to present and he announced that the three recipients were (surprise, surprise) Peter Adlington, Edward Campbell-Salmon and Patrick Thorpe! All three were warmly congratulated and presented with a silver ISPE lapel badge and Fellow certificate.

The seminar’s technical presentations continued with Martin Rigby, from Complete Pool Controls who gave a presentation on HSG282, followed by Allen Wilson, FISPE, from Studies in Work, who rounded off the day with a look at spa water problems.

Details of all ISPE Seminars may be found in the ‘Diary Dates’ section of the newly updated ISPE website, where programmes may be downloaded about six weeks before each event.

For more information contact ISPE on 01603 499959 or visit www.ispe.co.uk

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