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JUNE 2024
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Local authorities change their minds on free swimming
Local authorities change their minds on free swimming
Hundreds of thousands of people will benefit from free swimming sessions this summer in a huge change round on policy by local authorities and leisure centres across the UK.

Last year the trial Government scheme offering free swimming to youngsters and old age pensions was dropped after the costs were too high –even though the scheme was a huge success. But now in the build up to summer pools are opening up to free swimming. Leisure centres on Medway and in Nottingham, Bristol, Ipswich, Bournemouth and Northampton are amongst those to offer free swimming.

One typical decision was taken by all five council run leisure centres in Medway which will gave free swimming to all under-11s and the over 60’s from April . The initiative was previously cancelled on July 31 last year.

To take up the offer, residents will need proof that they live in Medway.

Howard Doe, the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, said: “Swimming is one of the best types of exercise people can do whether young or old and it is also good fun.This will make it cheaper for families and hopefully encourage people to keep fit, active and healthy.”

During April, 22 other local authorities reversed their decision on free swimming – some offering ‘off peak’ opportunities.

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