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Public use of Olympic swimming pool finally secured
Public use of Olympic pool finally secured
The long term future of the London Olympics Aquatic Centre as a public swimming pool, has finally been secured.

The Aquatics Centre, which will host the swimming, diving and synchronised swimming during the Olympics in July and August will be turned into a community facility for use by all local people.

Greenwich Leisure Limited, which operates more than half of the publically owned leisure stock in London including 50 metre pools at Crystal Palace, Ealing, Hackney, will run the pool and facilities.

The Aquatics Centre will, it is hoped, become a thriving community asset open to all where individuals, families, people with disabilities, school children and the UK’s best sporting talent can swim and train under the same roof. 

Together with GLL and Olympic Park Legacy Company, Sport England is also working with the Amateur Swimming Association, five London boroughs and the University of East London to develop a strategy and usage programme that allows swimmers and divers to progress from recreation to international performance. 

With moveable floors capable of reducing the depth for swimming lessons, the two 50 metre pools and diving pool with provide a legacy facility for local, regional and national activities. 

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